I almost broke it. LOL was thinking I said I would post today and almost didn't, with in my opinion was good reason... LAZINESS has consumed me! LOL
I went to the doctor's today. First I did my GD test. There was a bit of a mix up, but it got done. They took 3 tubes of blood and urine from me. I was told "no news, is good news" and if something pops up, I should be receiving a call as early as tomorrow. During my doctor's appointment, the nurse pointed out that I needed to get the Tetanus/Whooping Cough shot. I can't remember the last Tetanus shot I had, so that's definitely a sign I needed it. Will needs to get one too! They said anyone that's going to be around the baby should get that shot. Let me tell you, I feel like I was punched! LOL. When the doc came in, we heard his heartbeat...It's good! He was moving around. I also measured 29 cm, which is where she said I should be. Good to know. I asked her about getting the Flu Shot and she said Kaiser actually has all pregant women get it. It's to protect mommy and baby. I have been reading up on it and it's actually beneficial because he's coming in December and because I can't afford to get sick. I cannot be treated the right way so I will be miserable! I must say though, people are getting sick everywhere! Especially at Will's job. Lord knows he cannot get sick and I told him if he does, I'm sorry, but you'll definitely be sleeping in the living room. I won't be able to take care of him either =( Doc also recommended registeering for classes and a tour, which I will probably call tomorrow and schedule it. I am so excited that we're getting closer. It seems like I just found out I was pregant and in less than 3 months, I will be holding him <3
Here's my survey...
How far along? 28 weeks, 3 days...moving along quicky =)
Total weight gain/loss: Today was my doctor's appointment and if the scale is right, which I think it isn't, I have gained a total of 8 pounds. The reason I am saying that is because the scale I was on was way different one time I had an appointment the day before at the same place. I had a stye and was treated across the hall. I'm talking a 5 pound difference. But it's ok. I am really trying to not dwell on it. I feel a little fat, but Will keeps reassuring me, like he's supposed to, that I am not big... which realistically, I am not. Many woman have gained far more. It was just a tad hard for me seeing the number on the scale, but my little Jaedyn is growing <3
Maternity clothes? I cannot stress enough how much I love the shorts. Thankfully, I still fit in my shirts. Now, I seriously need to go get some bras. I am starting to really hurt in my bras. The biggest one I have is starting to get too tight and hurt me. I need to go soon. Gonna get some nursing bras early... I hear they're comfortable...
Stretch marks? Just the ones I already had [same and hope it stays that way!]
Sleep: I spoke too soon last week. This week, I've been waking up to pee or because my back is hurting. Still not being woken up by Jaedyn, he's very considerate of mommy's sleep...for now
Best moment this week: Seeing him in the ultrasound on Monday. I finally filled my "Now Showing" frame. It's of his face. I have also been feeling his kicks more and more... BUT I can see them more and more.
Movement: Definitely more and more. It was funny. Monday and Tuesday, he was kicking, for what seemed like, ALL day. I was thinking my poor baby is gonna be exhausted! He's calmed a little, but not much... Matter of fact, he's kicking or punching now!
Food cravings: It's so sad because I thought I would have cravings and I am not. I am the same as I was before I was pregnant. I am so indecisive it's ridiculous! I did have the urge for ice cream on Sunday.
Gender: Boy! <3 [After Monday, we know it's not changing]
Labor Signs: Not quite yet. My doc said it was still too early and if any abnormalities showed up, I need to head to labor and delivery... She said they'd do what they could to stop the labor. I'm not too worried... the signs just better show up in December.
Belly Button in or out? In [same]
Wedding rings on or off? No wedding ring, but my Promise Ring still fits. [same...I hope it stays!]
What I miss: Sweet Tea. I mean I can have it in moderation, but the caffeine is not good for the baby. Tea was more so my soda. I am trying so hard to stay away from it. Last week I drank Sierra Mist with a SPLASH of Pepsi/Dr. Pepper in it. Not mixed just different days. I swear that's like my alcohol. I am doing my best to not stress at work and the Mist seems to help =)
What I am looking forward to: Tuesday! We set up another 3D/4D ultrasound. Will and I are both excited as I will be 29 weeks and that's the time they recommend we get it done. We will see our baby in a little more detail. I CANNOT wait.
Weekly Wisdom: It's ok to gain weight!
Milestones: Hitting 28 weeks. Seriously, this is going by FAST!
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Words cannot describe me newfound excitement! I will be posting twice this week for sure. This entry won't have a survey, the next will... Reason being is because I have my check up on Thursday [that way I can put my weight, which I am not ashamed of].
Seriously though, exciting things are happening... First, the crib is up in our room. We did have a problem with the one my mom originally got [pictured in a previous post]. When Will went to put it together, it was defective and didn't look very safe for our little boy. We took it back to Babies R Us and exchanged/upgraded [this was on the 8th of this month]. Will put the crib together, which I don't think I mentioned on here, but I am sharing a pic now:
Please ignore the floor, and the mess for that matter... But Will did good AND Uncle Jermz helped!
Second, I have been working my ASS OFF [sorry but butt just didn't fit this]. I worked 45 hours before last week and then last week worked 48 hours [8 of which were straight OVER TIME!]. Anywho, I work next door to a Kohl's and one of their employees brought us 20% off coupons for friends and family... I figured I needed to splurge and decided to go over there...Knowing I would have to by myself and myself only something because I have been forbidden from buying anything LOL. I was there for a while, but I was browsing. I found 2 pairs of maternity shorts for $4! I was browsing the baby section and came across THE cutest socks I have seen, so far... I turned it over to see how much they cost and it said 70% clearance of $1.50 so I couldn't not get them [turns out I get to the register and they scanned for $0.50!!!]
Now you see why I couldn't pass them up?!? Plus I am forgiven for buying them too! LOL my mom had told me that if I just so happened to come across something on clearance, obviously it wouldn't be around much longer and sometimes you DEFINITELY can't pass up the price... I was definitely placed in that situation...The last thing I bought was a night gown. I am now almost unable to fit comfortably in my pajama shorts so I know I am going to have to buy some night gowns. I bought a Simply Vera one, LOL I felt sort of rich, but it was on sale! Here's my receipt:
OK SERIOUSLY... HOW AWESOME IS MY SAVINGS?!? That's why I had to post.
Third, it sort of became all too real that I am having a baby yesterday. I went back for my second anatomy scan, I guess you can call it...I was calling it a free ultrasound. She got some good pics of his face, wish I had a scanner so you guys could see the cuteness...I might try and post those on Thursday. I found out he's not breached which is AWESOME... Things are going on track, I will get more detail from the doc on Thursday. Thursda I am also taking my Gestational Diabetes test. No tlooking forward to it, but thankful it's only an hour =) Jaedyn's been kicking, for what seems, non stop. Either he is uncomfortable or just happy... I don't know, but thankfully he hasn't woke me up.
I hit 28 weeks, 7 months yesterday and I CANNOT believe there's less than 3 months to go! So many people can't wait to meet this little guy, his mommy and daddy being 2 <3
Until Thursday... Have a good Wednesday!
Seriously though, exciting things are happening... First, the crib is up in our room. We did have a problem with the one my mom originally got [pictured in a previous post]. When Will went to put it together, it was defective and didn't look very safe for our little boy. We took it back to Babies R Us and exchanged/upgraded [this was on the 8th of this month]. Will put the crib together, which I don't think I mentioned on here, but I am sharing a pic now:
Please ignore the floor, and the mess for that matter... But Will did good AND Uncle Jermz helped!
Second, I have been working my ASS OFF [sorry but butt just didn't fit this]. I worked 45 hours before last week and then last week worked 48 hours [8 of which were straight OVER TIME!]. Anywho, I work next door to a Kohl's and one of their employees brought us 20% off coupons for friends and family... I figured I needed to splurge and decided to go over there...Knowing I would have to by myself and myself only something because I have been forbidden from buying anything LOL. I was there for a while, but I was browsing. I found 2 pairs of maternity shorts for $4! I was browsing the baby section and came across THE cutest socks I have seen, so far... I turned it over to see how much they cost and it said 70% clearance of $1.50 so I couldn't not get them [turns out I get to the register and they scanned for $0.50!!!]
Now you see why I couldn't pass them up?!? Plus I am forgiven for buying them too! LOL my mom had told me that if I just so happened to come across something on clearance, obviously it wouldn't be around much longer and sometimes you DEFINITELY can't pass up the price... I was definitely placed in that situation...The last thing I bought was a night gown. I am now almost unable to fit comfortably in my pajama shorts so I know I am going to have to buy some night gowns. I bought a Simply Vera one, LOL I felt sort of rich, but it was on sale! Here's my receipt:
OK SERIOUSLY... HOW AWESOME IS MY SAVINGS?!? That's why I had to post.
Third, it sort of became all too real that I am having a baby yesterday. I went back for my second anatomy scan, I guess you can call it...I was calling it a free ultrasound. She got some good pics of his face, wish I had a scanner so you guys could see the cuteness...I might try and post those on Thursday. I found out he's not breached which is AWESOME... Things are going on track, I will get more detail from the doc on Thursday. Thursda I am also taking my Gestational Diabetes test. No tlooking forward to it, but thankful it's only an hour =) Jaedyn's been kicking, for what seems, non stop. Either he is uncomfortable or just happy... I don't know, but thankfully he hasn't woke me up.
I hit 28 weeks, 7 months yesterday and I CANNOT believe there's less than 3 months to go! So many people can't wait to meet this little guy, his mommy and daddy being 2 <3
Until Thursday... Have a good Wednesday!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
I did it again! I skipped a week... Dude... My bad... Last week was SO busy at work that I did NOTHING ALL DAY SATURDAY... Not much to report but I didn't know I wasn't aware that the Third Trimester started YESTERDAY! WOOO HOOO!
How far along? 27 weeks, 1 day
Total weight gain/loss: At my doctor's appointment, I found out that I gained 3 pounds. Not too bad for being as far along as I am =) [same]
Maternity clothes? Love my shorts... still fit in shirts. [same]
Stretch marks? Just the ones I already had [same and hope it stays that way!]
Sleep: Lately, it's been great... I did wake up yesterday with back pains, but laid on my back [for warmth] and I felt better... I've been VERY tired lately though...
Best moment this week: Feeling him kick more and more... It's like he can respond to me in a way... Also, realizing I am in the third trimester!
Movement: ^^More and more and I am loving it!
Food cravings: Nothing really... I did have a Pepsi this week... I would love a nice, big, greasy corn dog LOL but I think I will live without it...
Gender: Boy! <3 [not changing]
Labor Signs: Absolutely NOT thank you very much [until December]
Belly Button in or out? In [same]
Wedding rings on or off? No wedding ring, but my Promise Ring still fits. [same...I hope it stays!]
What I miss: Right now, at this moment, I can't think of anything [shocking!]
What I am looking forward to: Next Monday! I get my free ultrasound...
Weekly Wisdom: I'm starting to cherish sleep more and more! [same]
Milestones: Reaching the third trimester... Geez this is going by faster than we thought it would <3
How far along? 27 weeks, 1 day
Total weight gain/loss: At my doctor's appointment, I found out that I gained 3 pounds. Not too bad for being as far along as I am =) [same]
Maternity clothes? Love my shorts... still fit in shirts. [same]
Stretch marks? Just the ones I already had [same and hope it stays that way!]
Sleep: Lately, it's been great... I did wake up yesterday with back pains, but laid on my back [for warmth] and I felt better... I've been VERY tired lately though...
Best moment this week: Feeling him kick more and more... It's like he can respond to me in a way... Also, realizing I am in the third trimester!
Movement: ^^More and more and I am loving it!
Food cravings: Nothing really... I did have a Pepsi this week... I would love a nice, big, greasy corn dog LOL but I think I will live without it...
Gender: Boy! <3 [not changing]
Labor Signs: Absolutely NOT thank you very much [until December]
Belly Button in or out? In [same]
Wedding rings on or off? No wedding ring, but my Promise Ring still fits. [same...I hope it stays!]
What I miss: Right now, at this moment, I can't think of anything [shocking!]
What I am looking forward to: Next Monday! I get my free ultrasound...
Weekly Wisdom: I'm starting to cherish sleep more and more! [same]
Milestones: Reaching the third trimester... Geez this is going by faster than we thought it would <3
Thursday, September 8, 2011
7 Years...
First off, I know I haven't blogged blogged in a while, but when I did have a post ready and clicked post, there was some kind of error and it didn't even save in drafts.... was irritated by then, that I did not want to type. I have been lazy, which I think I am entitled to =)
Anywho, it has been a very busy past 2 weeks, I guess... Work was kicking my butt, I was super dooper tired. I had every intention of posting a blog at 24 weeks, survey included, but the doctors killed it. I had an appointment scheduled for Tuesday [24 weeks, 1 day] at 10:50, but they called and cancelled the appointment. I called them back and they rescheduled, not like I had work or anything [catch the sarcasm?], at 3. Luckily I was off at 1:30...More like 2! I was super tired going there...Thankfully, they called me in right away [More on the appointment in the survey...]
Needless to say, I was so tired that day I went to sleep way before 10... before 9:30 actually and did not want to get up the next morning...I seriously CANNOT wait til I no longer have to open! It's killing me. My poor back hurts by the time I go on lunch [9 AM]. Thursday, I came home, chilled a bit and took a long, long nap... I think it was 4 hours...MUCH NEEDED! I opened Friday too, but it wasn't that bad.
Friday, went by and wasn't too bad, but there was so much chaos at work it was insane. I tried to not care so much because I am trying to not stress so much. I don't want bad things happening to my little one. I picked my buddy Star up from Starbucks and she came over for a bit and then braided Will's hair [which he DESPERATELY needed, I kid you not]. I took like an hour nap, before Will got home... We took her home afterward, and didn't get back til almost 2...Let me tell you my sleep was back to being thrown off. Saturday, I went with Krischna, to a friend's daughter's 7th birthday party. It was actually fun. Came home and lounged... That's when I attempted to blog LOL... But I added some things to my registries. I want to have as much as possible on there, to give people choices, but also to have what I could possibly want and not get at a discount =) I think I am done, unless something else comes along. Sunday, I went to my friend's son Lucas' 4th Birthday party...OMG I cannot believe he is 4...I know time is going to fly after I pop this little one out, and I am not looking forward to it, but I am going to make the most of it! Before the party, I stopped at Target to get a gift and noticed they were having a baby sale. I bought this onesie I was eyeballing and Will said he liked too... I couldn't help it:
The one I bought, is short sleeved though, so I need to get some pants and a jacket to go with it. It's my plan to bring him home in this outfit, unless something better comes along. I also got chewed out by my mother for buying it. She said I need to resist, and I know this, but I couldn't pass $4 up! I have bought like 5 onesies. I haven't went coo coo crazy, like I've seen most moms in the forums have. I am waiting to see what he scores at our baby shower in November =) I am going to buy his baby book after this blog post. I want to see that something was purchased off my registry... LOL Plus, I want to have it before the shower so that I can start some things in it. I will posts pics of it when it comes =)
I was scheduled to work on Monday and it wasn't too bad because I started at 8! So nice to sleep in and not complain I didn't want to go to work. Plus, it was a holiday so we weren't THAT busy... Tuesday came and I was in the best of moods, knowing I had 2 days off to follow... I took a mini nap and then was relieved...
Onto the reason for my title... Yesterday, Will and I celebrated our 7 YEAR ANNIVERSARY! It's hard to believe we've been together that long. Yes I know, we need to get married, but I can't force him to ask me... I do however, hope the question, or both happens soon...After all, I am having his baby! Lord knows we've had our share of ups and downs, more ups than downs, which is good and I can't wait for the years to come with our little one. I love him to death. Our friend made me all emotional yesterday. He posted this on my wall:
I got all teary eyed... then Will's status impressed me:
It was an emotional, lazy day we shared together... followed by dinner and then we came home to watch The Blind Side, which was pretty good if you ask me.
Now I am sure you're all read out, but I need to leave you with my survey:
How far along? 25 weeks, 3 days
Total weight gain/loss: At my doctor's appointment, I found out that I gained 3 pounds. Not too bad for being as far along as I am =)
Maternity clothes? Love my shorts... still fit in shirts. [same]
Stretch marks? Just the ones I already had [same and hope it stays that way!]
Sleep: I am starting to wake up every morning like clockwork to pee. So far, that's my only interruption. I don't really feel him kick, so he's either sleeping with me or it's soothing enough to keep me asleep...if that makes sense.
Best moment this week: Celebrating our 7 year anniversary... Babywise I want to mention last week at the doc, when the doc was listening to his heartbeat with the doppler, he kicked it! It was so funny... Last night, I felt a high kick or punch, that moved my arm! It's starting more and more and I am loving it!
Movement: ^^More and more and I am loving it!
Food cravings: Thanks to my friend, I have been wanting frozen yogurt and tomorrow I plan on treating myself to it! I could always go for the mac n cheese at Panera... Today we went to Costco and I had the urge for watermelon... trust me, it's never tasted so good!
Gender: Boy! <3 [not changing]
Labor Signs: Absolutely NOT thank you very much [until December]
Belly Button in or out? In [same]
Wedding rings on or off? No wedding ring, but my Promise Ring still fits. [same...I hope it stays!]
What I miss: Being able to drink tea whenever... now I need to be more cautious. I did have a bad headache this week and drank some Pepsi, which seemed to do the trick... Still pill free!
What I am looking forward to: At the doc, everything checked out fine, but I found out I was called back for another ultrasound. Everything was normal with it, but I guess some of my body tissue blocked what the doc was looking at... Nothing to worry about... I get a FREE ultrasound done again and can't wait to see him again!
Weekly Wisdom: I'm starting to cherish sleep more and more!
Milestones: I'm over the hump, showing a bit more, pics might come in the near future, and Will and I have been together for 7 years ;-)
Anywho, it has been a very busy past 2 weeks, I guess... Work was kicking my butt, I was super dooper tired. I had every intention of posting a blog at 24 weeks, survey included, but the doctors killed it. I had an appointment scheduled for Tuesday [24 weeks, 1 day] at 10:50, but they called and cancelled the appointment. I called them back and they rescheduled, not like I had work or anything [catch the sarcasm?], at 3. Luckily I was off at 1:30...More like 2! I was super tired going there...Thankfully, they called me in right away [More on the appointment in the survey...]
Needless to say, I was so tired that day I went to sleep way before 10... before 9:30 actually and did not want to get up the next morning...I seriously CANNOT wait til I no longer have to open! It's killing me. My poor back hurts by the time I go on lunch [9 AM]. Thursday, I came home, chilled a bit and took a long, long nap... I think it was 4 hours...MUCH NEEDED! I opened Friday too, but it wasn't that bad.
Friday, went by and wasn't too bad, but there was so much chaos at work it was insane. I tried to not care so much because I am trying to not stress so much. I don't want bad things happening to my little one. I picked my buddy Star up from Starbucks and she came over for a bit and then braided Will's hair [which he DESPERATELY needed, I kid you not]. I took like an hour nap, before Will got home... We took her home afterward, and didn't get back til almost 2...Let me tell you my sleep was back to being thrown off. Saturday, I went with Krischna, to a friend's daughter's 7th birthday party. It was actually fun. Came home and lounged... That's when I attempted to blog LOL... But I added some things to my registries. I want to have as much as possible on there, to give people choices, but also to have what I could possibly want and not get at a discount =) I think I am done, unless something else comes along. Sunday, I went to my friend's son Lucas' 4th Birthday party...OMG I cannot believe he is 4...I know time is going to fly after I pop this little one out, and I am not looking forward to it, but I am going to make the most of it! Before the party, I stopped at Target to get a gift and noticed they were having a baby sale. I bought this onesie I was eyeballing and Will said he liked too... I couldn't help it:
The one I bought, is short sleeved though, so I need to get some pants and a jacket to go with it. It's my plan to bring him home in this outfit, unless something better comes along. I also got chewed out by my mother for buying it. She said I need to resist, and I know this, but I couldn't pass $4 up! I have bought like 5 onesies. I haven't went coo coo crazy, like I've seen most moms in the forums have. I am waiting to see what he scores at our baby shower in November =) I am going to buy his baby book after this blog post. I want to see that something was purchased off my registry... LOL Plus, I want to have it before the shower so that I can start some things in it. I will posts pics of it when it comes =)
I was scheduled to work on Monday and it wasn't too bad because I started at 8! So nice to sleep in and not complain I didn't want to go to work. Plus, it was a holiday so we weren't THAT busy... Tuesday came and I was in the best of moods, knowing I had 2 days off to follow... I took a mini nap and then was relieved...
Onto the reason for my title... Yesterday, Will and I celebrated our 7 YEAR ANNIVERSARY! It's hard to believe we've been together that long. Yes I know, we need to get married, but I can't force him to ask me... I do however, hope the question, or both happens soon...After all, I am having his baby! Lord knows we've had our share of ups and downs, more ups than downs, which is good and I can't wait for the years to come with our little one. I love him to death. Our friend made me all emotional yesterday. He posted this on my wall:
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! u and will seriously have been together tooooo long lol but its been great to have u guys to look up too becuz the love u share is "one in a million" (ne-yo voice)
I got all teary eyed... then Will's status impressed me:
Happy Anniversary to the love of my life, cant wait to welcome our new addition in dec...I Love You Arisha Piper : )
It was an emotional, lazy day we shared together... followed by dinner and then we came home to watch The Blind Side, which was pretty good if you ask me.
Now I am sure you're all read out, but I need to leave you with my survey:
How far along? 25 weeks, 3 days
Total weight gain/loss: At my doctor's appointment, I found out that I gained 3 pounds. Not too bad for being as far along as I am =)
Maternity clothes? Love my shorts... still fit in shirts. [same]
Stretch marks? Just the ones I already had [same and hope it stays that way!]
Sleep: I am starting to wake up every morning like clockwork to pee. So far, that's my only interruption. I don't really feel him kick, so he's either sleeping with me or it's soothing enough to keep me asleep...if that makes sense.
Best moment this week: Celebrating our 7 year anniversary... Babywise I want to mention last week at the doc, when the doc was listening to his heartbeat with the doppler, he kicked it! It was so funny... Last night, I felt a high kick or punch, that moved my arm! It's starting more and more and I am loving it!
Movement: ^^More and more and I am loving it!
Food cravings: Thanks to my friend, I have been wanting frozen yogurt and tomorrow I plan on treating myself to it! I could always go for the mac n cheese at Panera... Today we went to Costco and I had the urge for watermelon... trust me, it's never tasted so good!
Gender: Boy! <3 [not changing]
Labor Signs: Absolutely NOT thank you very much [until December]
Belly Button in or out? In [same]
Wedding rings on or off? No wedding ring, but my Promise Ring still fits. [same...I hope it stays!]
What I miss: Being able to drink tea whenever... now I need to be more cautious. I did have a bad headache this week and drank some Pepsi, which seemed to do the trick... Still pill free!
What I am looking forward to: At the doc, everything checked out fine, but I found out I was called back for another ultrasound. Everything was normal with it, but I guess some of my body tissue blocked what the doc was looking at... Nothing to worry about... I get a FREE ultrasound done again and can't wait to see him again!
Weekly Wisdom: I'm starting to cherish sleep more and more!
Milestones: I'm over the hump, showing a bit more, pics might come in the near future, and Will and I have been together for 7 years ;-)
Saturday, September 3, 2011
I literally just sat here and had a long blog and it disappeared before publishing... I am so not typing all this over. Please forgive me guys. I am not in the mood now. So what I will do is reiterate the past 2 weeks in my new blog, that should be posted either Monday [25 weeks] or Tueday.
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