I did it again! I skipped a week... Dude... My bad... Last week was SO busy at work that I did NOTHING ALL DAY SATURDAY... Not much to report but I didn't know I wasn't aware that the Third Trimester started YESTERDAY! WOOO HOOO!
How far along? 27 weeks, 1 day
Total weight gain/loss: At my doctor's appointment, I found out that I gained 3 pounds. Not too bad for being as far along as I am =) [same]
Maternity clothes? Love my shorts... still fit in shirts. [same]
Stretch marks? Just the ones I already had [same and hope it stays that way!]
Sleep: Lately, it's been great... I did wake up yesterday with back pains, but laid on my back [for warmth] and I felt better... I've been VERY tired lately though...
Best moment this week: Feeling him kick more and more... It's like he can respond to me in a way... Also, realizing I am in the third trimester!
Movement: ^^More and more and I am loving it!
Food cravings: Nothing really... I did have a Pepsi this week... I would love a nice, big, greasy corn dog LOL but I think I will live without it...
Gender: Boy! <3 [not changing]
Labor Signs: Absolutely NOT thank you very much [until December]
Belly Button in or out? In [same]
Wedding rings on or off? No wedding ring, but my Promise Ring still fits. [same...I hope it stays!]
What I miss: Right now, at this moment, I can't think of anything [shocking!]
What I am looking forward to: Next Monday! I get my free ultrasound...
Weekly Wisdom: I'm starting to cherish sleep more and more! [same]
Milestones: Reaching the third trimester... Geez this is going by faster than we thought it would <3
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