So I have been sick. Well trying to fight it, but it has been getting the best of me. On Monday I broke down and bought some NyQuil, since that morning I woke up coughing and my chest was burning. I also hadn't been able to sleep. What sucks is this all came from a stomach ache I had on Wednesday. Hopefully, I am at the end of that.
This past Saturday I was fitted for Candice's wedding. I was VERY disappointed in the measurements [It made me think of the fact that I didn't measure myself before doing the 30-Day Shred]. But the chest part is what's getting me the most. There's no way I am THAT big [sorry not sharing]. Anyway, that became my motivation. The woman making the dress said if we lose weight by the end of May to come back and be remeasured. I WILL make that number lower! HAHA. I also had an interview on Saturday. Actually, it was more of a waste of time if you ask me. It took me over an hour to get there. Parking was INSANE. I finally find a place across the street from the building and walk toward the lobby [at this point I am on time]. In the lobby there were at least 20 people, INCLUDING myself, who were waiting to go up to the 4th floor. Apparently, there was only ONE security guard to let people up. We finally just went in the elevator and prayed it would go up to the 4th floor. We get to the suite and there's AT LEAST 20 people in there! Seriously I was disappointed I rushed there. What made it worse, is that they weren't honoring our appointment times, they called us in the order we signed in... AND it gets worse...I paid $0.75 to park for an hour and I waited for over 40 mins...THEN when I got called into the room my "interview" lasted LESS THAN 2 minutes. It turns out there are 3 positions available and they were interviewing people in the same style from 9-3. My chances of getting that job aren't looking great. I wasn't too worried about that because I had an interview yesterday [Tuesday].
Mind you I took some NyQuil on Monday night. Tuesday morning I woke up feeling groggy as ever! Good thing the interview was scheduled for 4:45 AND it was near Miller Barondess =) So I was completely familiar with where it was. I showed up a little, ok an hour [when I parked] early. You can't chance LA traffic, I'm just saying. I met with 2 women and PERSONALLY I think the interview went well. Never have I felt this way about an interview, but as we were walking out she said they'll be calling for 2nd round interviews next week. I was pretty excited. Then I thought, I have been on one before and that didn't turn out too well. We will see.
Today was the day! I decided enough is enough. I got off my BUTT and headed to the gym. I took my phlemmy self to the gym. I did the elliptical for 45 minutes! I am so proud of myself. Man was I sweaty. I also weighed myself AND I have not lost OR gained anything. I guess you can say that's good because I did drop like a size and a half, so that's good INCH wise =)
My new plan is this: Mon-Fri Get up and go to the gym, rest and workout with Jillian or vice versa. When I get a job it will be gym first and Jillian after. I would like to lose 25 pounds by the end of May. The way I see it, that will be a good amount lost to get remeasured and then by the time Candice's wedding is here [July 3rd], well before then if it needs to be taken in, it won't be too drastic. I need this. Not only for the wedding, but for me. I am not too happy when I look in the mirror, but I am working on it =)
OOOOOOOOOOOOOH 1 last thing... I got a call int he last 5 minutes of my gym time on the elliptical I get a call from the Census. I got the job! I report on April 21st. The thing is, if I get anything before then I will call them and let them know. I am really crossing my fingers. The Census job will last for 6 weeks and I would have to work a minimum of 24 hours a week. That way if I have interviews, I can still make time for them. That's exciting if you ask me =)
That's all for now! Have a good one!
BTW - Congrats to Jenalee and her husband Joel, on moving into their NEW home! I am so happy for them =)
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