So this morning I wake up and I am not even up long when I receive this email:
Dear Arisha,
Thank you for taking the time to come in to meet with me last week, I am not able to offer you a position at this time. Please understand that there were many applicants and it is a very difficult decision making process. I will be happy to keep your information on file in the event that other opportunities arise in the future. Again, thank you for all your efforts and best wishes.
Needless to say I was PRETTY bummed. But I figured that was ok because I felt I would get the job in Long Beach. I was invited back for a Second Round interview. I met with the attorney on Monday and it sounded beyond promising. He told me they would know by the end of the week. Well, it's the end of the week I guess because this afternoon I received this email:
Thank you for interviewing for the legal assistant position with our firm.
At this time, the position has been filled.
We will keep your resume on hand in case our hiring needs change in the near future.
We wish you much success in your future endeavors.
Double =(
2 rejections in 1 day? Really? Wow! I am sad. I thought the interviews went well. Especially the one in Long Beach because I was invited back. With the first one the lawyer was FASCINATED that I bowled and it lasted longer than 15 minutes [the time he alotted for the interviews]. I thought I would actually get both jobs and have to choose. Well guess that choice is easy because I don't have to choose. I still have been sending out resumes. But I need to focus more. I don't have long to find a job, that's for sure. I have bills that need to be paid and I am now starting to worry about my finances. I still haven't heard from MAK, but I am not holding my breath. The interviewer STILL hasn't emailed me back and she told me that's the best way to reach her. Yeah right!
I would just like to add that I am feeling Jenalee. On Monday she posted a song by Bryan White and I am feeling that way. I really do feel like I am wishing on someone else's star and someone else keeps getting what I'm wishing for! And why can't I be as lucky as those other people are? With the same respect, yesterday she posted this song that is so beautiful, it's called LOVE LIKE CRAZY <3 Look it up, it's by Lee Brice