It's been a while... Eeek! Sorry guys... Part of it was due to unforeseen curcumstances [no internet for almost 2 weeks]. I am going to try my best to catch you up with what's been going on...
Week 32: I totally can't remember anything that happened... Shame on me.
Week 33: Baby shower week! It was pretty hectic, trying to get everything ready for November 5th. We had a great turn out. Jaedyn got spoiled just like we anticipated. For the most part, we got what we needed, just need to get a few things here and there. We are such a blessed little family to be <3 A girl at work pissed me off, beyond measure... Noting that for my future reference. I ordered Jaedyn's Pack 'n Play and it arrived shortly after...
Week 34: This week! I was shocked! My toe began hurting me Friday [the 4th], but wasn't too bad the day of the shower, but after work Monday, I was ready to chop my whole toe off. I had a Doctor's Appointment on Tuesday and told her something needed to be done. My toe had got infected and it was VERY noticeable. She prescribed me Keflex, an antibiotic, to jump start getting rid of the infection and referred me to a podiatrist. I went to the podiatrist on Friday and he removed part of my toenail. Let me tell you, my toe hurt more BEFORE the removal.
Week 35: I made it to the 35/35 - 35 weeks down, 35 days to go!!! [yesterday] Today at work was a killer. I requested the podiatrist give me a post-op shoe because I am unable to work in open-toed shoes [even though the post-op one is, it's better than a sandal]. My feet/legs/back are killing me and I feel as if I can barely walk. Thankfully, I work tomorrow and then I am off Thursday. I work Friday and then I am off Saturday. I have my 36 week appointment and I am going to ask if I can be taken off work, since I have been informed by many that I get paid a month before my due date. Monday will be a month.
I would like to share more, but I just don't have the energy. I thought this post would be longer, but I guess I was wrong. I shall leave you with the survey, and try not to lag... His birth is approaching!!!
How far along? 35 Weeks, 2 Days... Closer!
Total weight gain/loss: I have gained and come to terms with it.
Maternity clothes? Love the shorts still...
Stretch marks? Small ones are coming more and more to the surface on my lower area... no big deal as mentioned before, I had pre pregnancy stretch marks, so I am ok with this.
Sleep: Last night, I woke up 3 times... Twice to pee. Having to pee is what wakes me up, not Jaedyn... I will leave that to when he's here <3
Best moment this week: Friday, when we were waiting in the waiting room at the podiatrist, I felt Jaedyn hiccup and told Will where to put his hand. He did and felt it. What made it better is you could see it! Will's face was priceless. I joy I wish I could catch on camera. He's so excited <3
Movement: Not backing down for sure. My Uncle Mike said I am going to have a football player. Fine by me! LOL
Food cravings: LOL today I wanted a cookie! I told Will that Jaedyn had a sweet tooth and he said no it's mommy that does... Not true... I have been on a carne asada kick... It's been satisfied. Now I want chili. I think I am going to attempt making some in my new crockpot soon!
Gender: Boy! <3
Labor Signs: None yet... But I know it's coming... Yesterday, when I came home from the dentist and what not, I got a sharp pain, but it didn't last long and I didn't get another. I thought I experienced a Braxton Hicks contraction, but I think I was mistaken lol.
Belly Button in or out? In [same]
Wedding rings on or off? No wedding ring, but my Promise Ring still fits. [same...I hope it stays!]
What I miss: Today, I am going to say my legs again. They're hurting me so bad, but I know it's going to be worth it <3
What I am looking forward to: Monday is Will's birthday, his last one pre-baby. I have my 36 week check up and as a great present, Will is going to get to hear his son's heartbeat <3
Weekly Wisdom: I can't do it all and it's quite alright asking for help =)
Milestones: Hitting the 35/35 <3
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