He has them now! Thankfully, they don't last that long... it feels so weird LOL...thought I would share...
Good Lord it's been a long week. I hit the 36 week mark on Monday and it's seriously all becoming too real. I was told by my doc the baby is head down so it could be any time now. This is also my last week of work and I couldn't be happier. Panera is taking a toll on my legs and butt LOL. So Saturday will be my last day working. I figured it'd be best to leave this week because I am due the 19th and the farthest they'll let me go is the 26th. It's perfect.
I am happy to say that I ordered our carseat and stroller. I was browsing the Babies R Us website and noticed they were having an 8 Hour Cyber Sale, I checked out the merchandise and BAM! My carseat and stroller were on it at a reasonable discount too! I am so stoked! My other mother said she would buy it for us and I am still waiting, but impatience got the best of me and I ordered it. I was getting nervous. I wanted to have that before December 1st, just in case.
Today, I worked at 4 in the morning! By choice. The day before Thanksgiving is a hectic day for Panera and I experienced it last year. Although, we were busier last year, I did get my full 8 hours today. Only two more days to go. I swear, I haven't been so tired though lol... I slept for 2 hours, and boy was that nice. I guess I will leave you with the survey since I thought I had a lot to say, but apparently don't.
How far along? 36 Weeks, 2 Days... Closer!
Total weight gain/loss: I have gained and come to terms with it.
Maternity clothes? Love the shorts still...
Stretch marks? Small ones are coming more and more to the surface on my lower area... no big deal as mentioned before, I had pre pregnancy stretch marks, so I am ok with this.
Sleep: Peeing is becoming my nightmare, but it just means that Jaedyn is in position and will soon be with us... I guess I can deal =)
Best moment this week: Hearing his heartbeat at my 36 week check up...Will said it was the best birthday gift he could ask for <3
Movement: Not as much, but it's not a little either... I noticed he's having more hiccups. I swear this little boy plays games. So many people wanna feel him kick and when I alert them, he stops on purpose... Once they move their hands, he's back to moving again. Little trickster!
Food cravings: I will say that I finaly got one satisfied. Candice's mom/sis in law made potato salad and man was it delicious! I have had it once and that was like 2 years ago...something about the taste though...
Gender: Boy! <3
Labor Signs: None yet... But I know it's coming... For sure, since the doctor said he's head down =)
Belly Button in or out? In [same]
Wedding rings on or off? No wedding ring, but my Promise Ring still fits. [same...I hope it stays!]
What I miss: Nothing that I can think of at the moment.
What I am looking forward to: Next weeks appointment... They've officially become weekly!
Weekly Wisdom: I can't do it all and it's quite alright asking for help =)
Milestones: Hitting the 36 weeks... Only 4 to go <3
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