To go! Wow! I meant to blog on Wednesday, the day of my 37 week check up, but I was busy that day and then well I got lazy....Not working does that to you, I guess. But I am blogging today, that's all that matters. It's not going to be long though. I am writing this [LOL] and then posting the survey. Next appointment is on Tuesday, so you should be seeing a post from me. Oh and one more thing... I told Will I was having Jaedyn on the 4th because I had a strange feeling... That's tomorrow, we shall see =)
How far along? 37 Weeks, 5 Days... Super Closer!
Total weight gain/loss: I have gained and come to terms with it. I must mention that the doctor was impressed I didn't gain any weight the past week. Especially with it being Thanksgiving. I felt like I ate a lot... Apparently not!
Maternity clothes? Love the shorts still... I was forced, by mother nature, to wear sweats on not comfy to me... But I only have 1 pair of maternity pants.
Stretch marks? Small ones are coming more and more to the surface on my lower area... no big deal as mentioned before, I had pre pregnancy stretch marks, so I am ok with this.
Sleep: I'm not having problems sleeping, it's waking up to pee that's killing me. Last Sunday I woke up with a sore throat and that's been keeping me up as well. I still say I have a considerate son =)
Best moment this week: One night when I woke up in the middle of the night, Will woke up with me and put his arm around me and Jaedyn was kicking up a storm. I swear it was 3 in the morning. Thought it was funny and so did Will. Also, my mom sent her package and we got lots of stuff... Hand made stuff. Blankets, bibs, burp cloths, and 2 diaper bags! They're awesomely cute!
Movement: I thought last week he wasn't moving as much, but he's moving a lot again.
Food cravings: I wanted breakfast potatoes this morning. Earlier this week I have been wanting ice cream [got it]... No real cravings... I do want Cola of some sort.
Gender: Boy! <3
Labor Signs: None yet... But I know it's coming... For sure, since the doctor said he's head down =)
Belly Button in or out? In [same]
Wedding rings on or off? No wedding ring, but my Promise Ring still fits. [same...I hope it stays!]
What I miss: Nothing that I can think of at the moment.
What I am looking forward to: Next weeks appointment... They've officially become weekly! Tuesday is my appointment and then the 15th... Hopefully, Jaedyn comes before my due date.
Weekly Wisdom: The only thing that's going to matter is my little family!
Milestones: Hitting the 37 weeks <3
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